How do you get free traffic to your website? That is always the biggest hurdle for the internet marketer. It's always interesting to listen to the newbie that just buys some sort of internet business opportunity. They spend hours, sometimes days making their blog or website page look like a million bucks. Then afterwards, they watch as no one visits their new website. People just starting in this business sometimes forget that no matter how great your website looks, no matter how good your product offering is, without traffic, you won't make any money.
You can do a Google search for "get free traffic," and you will get pages and pages of hits. You can spend days sorting through all of these pages, and ultimately, you will discover you're still as confused as ever about finding a solution to this problem. Likewise, if you've just started an online business, the last thing you want to do is spend extra money on a "traffic program" that you don't know anything about. So, how do you sort through all of these so called "get free traffic" paid programs?
Get Free Traffic - Which Paid Programs Should I Purchase?
The answer to that question is really simple: Don't buy any of them!!! They're all junk. How's that for an honest answer. You need a strategy for getting traffic to your website. You need an army of people (mentors) that can help you. You need a system that supports your efforts. And most importantly, you need to understand that traffic will only come to your site when you put in the time and effort.
The main reason someone gets involved with an online business opportunity is to make extra income for themselves and their family. Many online business owners just don't have the extra money to spend on paid advertising. They just don't think about the costs when they first start. I'm talking about things like: Google pay per click, Facebook ads, solo ads, etc.. After people realize they have to spend money to make money, a lot of people get frustrated and just simply give up.
This is why you need to develop a strategy to get free traffic. A great plan of action is to work a free strategy, then when you generate some income, re-invest that income back in your business. This enables the business owner to start right now, as well as help plan for the future. They become productive. The owner is doing activities every single day that move their business forward.
Get Free Traffic - Strategies
Here are a list of some free strategies that you should look at to start:
1. Social Media - This would include sites like Facebook, my space, twitter, etc... you can develop a great strategy to market your product on these type of sites.
2. Article Marketing - Writing articles and submitting these articles to the top internet directories is an outstanding way to gain exposure. This will help drive traffic to your site on a long term basis.
3. Free Classified Sites - You can develop a plan of action for promoting your business on sites such as Craigslist and Backpage (just to name a few of these sites). This strategy requires a daily action plan. However, if you understand the concept, you can generate quite a few leads from posting ads about your business opportunity.
4. YouTube - How many people have not heard of YouTube? Not many. Uploading videos to YouTube is a great way to let people know you are in business.
5. Forum Comments - Visit other forum pages and comment on the discussion. Make sure you leave your info after the comment. This is a way to get your name to people that have similar interests.
6. Pay per click advertisement - This is a good way to ensure that you only get the right kind of traffic to your website. By using pay per click an internet marketer does not have to always pay for the advertisements since you only pay for the number of visits or clicks made on your link. It is a fast way to market a product since the moment you list it you will start getting visitors. Any time a visitor clicks on your link you will only pay according to the terms and conditions you have set up with the service provider.
7. Blog commenting is another way to generate traffic to your website. At the same time you could also brand and market yourself as an subject matter expert. This is done by making a comment on other people's blog and at the end of the comment leaving a link leading back to your website. As all search engines love good blogs, once the owner of the blog gives a go ahead, your link will be indexed. With this done, you will have a new backlink and whenever it is clicked, it will direct the traffic to your site.
Get FreeTraffic - Conclusion
You can absolutely start an online business without breaking the bank account. However, in my opinion, you have to do it with a realistic action plan. Your plan should include taking massive action over the first 90 days. I would also recommend finding a mentor, someone that can help you develop your plan. You don't need to re-invent the wheel. You don't need to spend hours and hours of your time trying to sort through all of the traffic junk that is on the internet. Don't buy any "get free traffic" programs. Just get motivated, get ready to put in the time and effort... and just get to work!!!
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